Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone

Its been a bit of blur around here lately and I'm off to do my Christmas shopping so you have an idea of how far behind I am. Everything always gets done though. I going to take a month off work to reenergize and get rebalanced. That decision alone has lightened the burden and I feel liberated. Despite not having done the quilting for Caits quilt, not finishing the advent calendar, or the small hanging, no christmas baking and haviing the tree fall down yesterday, I am approaching the upcoming Christmas with joy and inner peace that I wish for all of you

These are our kids!! Our greatest gift.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Lights Camera Action

We exchanged our old Christmas lights for new LED lights - big time energy savers. However we threw out a ton of old lights when we moved - now I wished Id saved them for the exchange - if I'd only known there would be an exchange -ohh well -aren't they pretty!

I've made gingerbread houses with the kids over the years. Its something I've always enjoyed. This year I made this little house from pre made gingerbread and Pat decorated some cookies. I was inspired by the pretty little vintage houses made of pulp board and frosted with glitter. I was pleased with my results and wanted to share them with you. Unbeknownst to me Pat got into the action and has already helped himself to a few candies. He took them off the back-where no one could see them gone!!!

December 1 - Anticipation Begins

I promised my husband that I would wait until Dec 1 before starting to decorate - Its here so I am starting. Yeahh!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Birth Signs and Quilters

The banner by Kim Hambric is entitled Pisces I. Her gallery is at I don't know the artist but love the dreamy quality of her work.

Check out the November 9th entry at to view your quilting profile by zodiac sign. My birthday is March 12th and so is my husband's. I read my horoscope and he thinks its all nuts. Who knows? This profile captures me though - except I have many many projects on the go and am not managing them - or is that me lacking self confidence and they are going to get done??? LOL I am a Pisces.

Pisces - February 19 and March 20 Pisces are dreamers. When they quilt they usually are creating poetry. Although they are kind and make projects to bestow on friends and family they are most likely envisioning themselves snuggled beneath the very quilt they are working on. Although they can lack self-confidence, their imagination and intuition makes them artistic quilters. Their sensitivity can lead them to shy away from displaying their creations. Generally you will find that a Pisces has more than one project on the go and can easily manage both. Whatever they choose to work on they need a project that requires plenty of variety. Patchwork that includes embroidery or other needlework is well liked by them.

Does your zodiac profile capture your quilting interest and style?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Let the ADVENTure begin!!

We bought a 1915 arts and crafts style home and it got me into blogland. Here is what happened. I did a google search on arts and craft houses and up came Dear Daisy Cottage, which is so uplifting. On Kim's blog was a link to Allsorts and through Jenny's also fabulous blog on design and fabric crafts I found Club Little House and Inspire Co by Amy with doll house and pretty things. It was a revelation that there were so many women out there interested in things I loved and living their dreams amidst all the craziness of living in these times.

Jenny re posted her advent calendar and a pattern and I thought I could do that. I want to do that. I will do that.

I hunted through my stuff for the felt I must have had for decades and started. It was "sew" much fun cutting out the envelopes and stitching them together. But I relearned a lesson about myself. I just cant follow directions without thinking ohh why not try this and change things and I cant do the same thing too many times over and over. Having started other advent calendars that languished into nothingness I really wanted to finish this one. Instead of making the packets all the same I did groups of colours. Somehow doing five pinks, six whites and 3 sets of different greens is way easier than doing 25 of one colour - Why is that? So I hit a bit of a snag facing sewing on 25 buttons until I did 1 pink and 12 little and 12 slightly larger buttons. The ties were hard for me - all 25 of them - even though they were easy peasy to do. I found green and white checked ribbon but the envelopes did not stay on flat and I could not get the ties between them to look nice like Jenny's do. Inspiration - I cut 2 little slashes to thread the ribbon through and the envelopes lay really flat and don't need the ties between them for spacing so a little of the checked ribbon shows thorough the spaces.

It feels great to be nearly done - there are just two green envelopes to finish off. Oh and the dangles - and they all different so I am safe there and then getting the little numbers and the treats and then mailing to Cait. A little more work so wish me luck. The boys will want them too - wish me lots of luck.

Thanks Jenny for this great advent calendar and the adventure its taking me on. I also want to make your elf clogs too - but I want to make a seven year old boy size (and some for me too)

Fall Continues

Where does the time fly? Lots has been happening.

I really enjoy the weekend walks with Softie and am appreciating the autumn beauty. Caitlin came home for her commencement last weekend and we went shopping together which was fun. We bought a darling little Christmas tree and some decorations for her to take back with her for her dorm room. I also bought a few red and white and Christmas things which I want to post about.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Good Morning, Good Night

This morning started with a sunrise walk with Softie down by the water. The day was filled with ups and downs. Bed looks good about now.

Pat's Quilt

This quilt represents joy rediscovered. I found myself in Quilter's Garden in 2000 not having sewn for years, touching the fabric and loving the colours and wanting so much to make a quilt for the baby growing in me. I signed up for a course to make a quilt with wacky hearts and found this teddy bear fabric with a different bear for our five kids and baby to be. AND I FINISHED THE QUILT!!! I loved making it - now my technique leaves lots of room for improvement but it re-introduced me to making things from fabric. Since then I have gone a bit crazy buying fabric and have way too many projects in my mind and on the go and I need to work on the FINISHING PART but I love it. And I especially love that Pat loves his quilt. It feels like I am hugging him whenever I see him wrapped in it.


Pat starts a new theme at school and its Fairy Tales. I found this wonderful book "The Fairy Tales" for his school. It has amazing silhouette illustrations by Jan Pienkowski and lovely translations by David Walser into English from the original French and German 200 year old stories. The images remind me of old European papercuts. Lucky Junie Moon got some fairy tale paper cut silhouettes from Speckled Egg - eggsactly what i am talking about.

And another feature of the book is its large type-font. Perfect for an emerging reader and also his mom who keeps misplacing her reading glasses. Pat and I are sharing the reading of the stories and its heartwarming to cuddle up as the stories unfold.

The stories include Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, and Cinderella. My one little sigh is over the portrayal of stepmothers - wicked. As a step mom it would be nice to find some positive examples in literature. But don't let this dissuade you from borrowing the book from the library or purchasing it. Its published by Penguin Books.


Getting Ready for Halloween

Pat and I made orange tinted sugar cookies to make jack o lanterns and they disappeared ....Devon? ...Ian so then we made plain sugar cookies and made cats sprinkled with black sugar and white ghosities with currant eyes. Pat made sure every ghost had a different face - all were scary!! I wish had taken photos of them but we were in a rush to get of to school so we have the jolly pumpkins featured instead.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Spring is coming???

We have had unseasonably warm weather and the bulbs I planted for spring are coming up now. Well at least the squirrels did not get them all.

I'm going to the Zoo, Zoo...

Patrick had a day off school on Monday so Ian took him and his friend David to theToronto Zoo. By all accounts they had a fabulous time. The spider monkeys were a big hit and so were the marmosets. These are some of Ian's photos of the day.

Pumpkin Parade

We have a nice foyer in our house. it really feels as if you have arrived when you come in the door. There is a confortable hall with a small coat closet and the stairs go up around the corner. This lttile armoire holds book bags, purses, the dog's toys and brushes, mitts and hats. It has been a godsend in keepig the "junk" under cover. Its not too tall so I like to put something on top and have been playing around with diffeent pieces. This vignette is reflects a large tapestry hanging on the foyer wall - both have this french country feel in soft monet-like colours. Pumpkins are included ... Halloween is coming...You can see a peek of the stainglass window up the stair. There is another large stainglass windwo by the front door. Welcome to our home!!

A Little Ray of Sunshine, Maples and Pine

These pics are from my walk with Softie last Saturday. I collected a bunch of lovely perfect pine cones that I hope to make into a Christmas wreath.

More Birthday Celebrations

Last Sunday we went to Waterloo and had dinner en famille to celebrate Devon's 20th birthday. Good food and good company!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Devon

My son Devon is 20 years old today. How the time does fly! Devon is a very easy going guy with a great sense of humour. Love you Devon!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Leaves

A boy and his dog and crispy, crackling leaves...fall is really here.

Friday, October 12, 2007


This is my latest and current quilt project - a bedcover for Caitlin. I started it a few years ago as part of taking a course taught by Lucy Anne Holliday using the book Can of Worms by .... It was a fun course. I love the fabric for the blocks but got stuck at choosing a border. I did not really like the one choice I made and so the quilt sat for a few years until it was time for Cait to go to University and I felt a push to finish it. I ripped off the old borders and went to Quilters Garden and the owner Sharon found just the right fabric - deep burgundy. Off home to sew and I got the borders on but my machine broke down .. more delays. Its fixed now and I have promised Cait to have the quilt finshed for Christmas.

I finished a quilt for my cousin's baby - one of my few finished projects and also a result of the Can of Worms course. I cant find my pictures soo sad about that but here are some images of the fabric. I call this quilt "In Fairy Lane" because when we would visit my cousins we would often play in the old Fairy Lane next to their property in Napanee. It was a lovely unused overgrown lane with a split rail fence and overhanging trees and we would find wild grapes and bittersweet. I certainly imagined fairies very like the ones on the fabric living there. It was not until I was an adult that I learned it was actually the old FERRY lane because at one time it was used to go down to the water and there was a small ferry service.

The third quilt coming from the course was stacked coins which I made of blue flannels at the request of my son Matt but I have not yet found the right separators for the columns between the stacked coins.

The tree quilt was also part of the course This picture does not do the fabrics justice. Again I'm stuck at the quilting part but am hopeful I will finish this as a small wall hanging for this Christmas.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Fall walk

I thought this blog was going to be about my quilts and sewing but Softie keeps coming to the forefront. I love this dog completely. He has made such a positive difference in our family. One of the best things is that he gets me out of the house and down tot he Lake for walks. Now to be fair Ian walks the dog every weekday morning with Pat and again at night and I only do weekend mornings but its great for me. Especially this weekend the temperature has been in the 30's (centigrade) so very hot - we turned on the air conditioning and the squirrels came in to escape the heat.

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey, Pumpkin Pie and Family - ingredients for a Happy Thanksgiving.

Matthew my handsome 23 yr old lamented that he was not photogenic. I took over a dozen pictures of him and was hard pressed to get one with his eyes open.
Everyone enjoyed dinner. Devon ate potatoes and gravy and spice cookies. Patrick ate Brussel sprouts and turkey. Ian ate the oysters and pumpkin pie - his mother's recipe made a huge pie. Matthew had whipped cream on his stuffing for dessert!! We had the Thanksgiving elf provide after dinner entertainment. At the end of the evening Ian and I drove Caitlin back to university and it was so nice to see her roommate Jill give her a big welcome back hug. Devon and Matt did the dishes!!