Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

I wish everyone a belated but heartfelt Happy New Year - its going to be a year full of changes for our family!! ... Let me explain what a whirlwind has been going on around here.

Christmas was fun but it seems a bit of a hazy fuzzy blur as a result of our decision to move from Toronto to Vancouver which dominoed a lot of other decisions. Very shortly I will be starting a new job and Ian and Pat will join me after Ian finishes his teaching contracts and Pat finishes school in June. Hopefully Devon will also come out with us but he is a little hesitant - inertia is a very powerful force. Cait has found a house to rent with her school buddies and will be using hopefully alot of our furniture so we dont have to pay high costs to move it 3,000 miles Wow it does seem far away.

We had lots of plans for our home here which we have jettisoned and our now focusing on changes that will help resale value of our home. Vancouver is the most expensive housing market in Canada so we will probably be downsizing further. Devon and his Dad are helping us out by redoing the kitchen and bathroom. Right now all the old kitchen stuff is down and out and some of the new cabinets have been constructed for the kitchen.

I ve had dental surgery, new glasses and changes in my thyroid medication so my body feels all out of kilter and so does my mind with all the changes to contemplate - but it is also at peace.

Peace i wish for everyone.

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