Friday, October 12, 2007


This is my latest and current quilt project - a bedcover for Caitlin. I started it a few years ago as part of taking a course taught by Lucy Anne Holliday using the book Can of Worms by .... It was a fun course. I love the fabric for the blocks but got stuck at choosing a border. I did not really like the one choice I made and so the quilt sat for a few years until it was time for Cait to go to University and I felt a push to finish it. I ripped off the old borders and went to Quilters Garden and the owner Sharon found just the right fabric - deep burgundy. Off home to sew and I got the borders on but my machine broke down .. more delays. Its fixed now and I have promised Cait to have the quilt finshed for Christmas.

I finished a quilt for my cousin's baby - one of my few finished projects and also a result of the Can of Worms course. I cant find my pictures soo sad about that but here are some images of the fabric. I call this quilt "In Fairy Lane" because when we would visit my cousins we would often play in the old Fairy Lane next to their property in Napanee. It was a lovely unused overgrown lane with a split rail fence and overhanging trees and we would find wild grapes and bittersweet. I certainly imagined fairies very like the ones on the fabric living there. It was not until I was an adult that I learned it was actually the old FERRY lane because at one time it was used to go down to the water and there was a small ferry service.

The third quilt coming from the course was stacked coins which I made of blue flannels at the request of my son Matt but I have not yet found the right separators for the columns between the stacked coins.

The tree quilt was also part of the course This picture does not do the fabrics justice. Again I'm stuck at the quilting part but am hopeful I will finish this as a small wall hanging for this Christmas.

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