Saturday, October 6, 2007


It starts with one leaf .....

and then the world around us is transformed by the daubs of colour.

I love the Thanksgiving holiday and this year I am especially thankful to have my daughter home from university this weekend. The weather has not been very "fall" like but everyone is enjoying the sun.

I am so thankful to have found Susan Branch's book "Autumn" heavily discounted. I snapped it up and then 2 days later found "Christmas from the Heart of the Home" on sale too. I have her first book and did not know she had done so many more until the wonderful blog world clued me in. The tea towel with recipe also came with a turkey cookie cutter but I used Susan Branch's recipe for ginger crisp cookies on p 106 of her book. We made pumpkins, maple leaves and turkey shaped cookies. The next recipe was for brownies so we made some of those too- who can resist brownies?!? Mmmm.

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