Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some Catching Up Posts

This is our wonderful daughter in our back garden just before heading off for her prom. We are blessed to have her - a helpful sweet girl. She gave us a terrible scare when she was 8 months old and swallowed beads dropped in her crib by her 2 year old brother at nap time. She turned blue and the 911 ambulance rushed her to hospital. The emergency doctor recovered one bead from her throat and she could breathe again. I was convinced there was another bead because she breathed so raspily so they agreed to keep her overnight. They xrayed her twice and could not see anything but I insisted they xray her again with the recovered bead placed on her. It did not show up either as it was made of wood! She also pooled milk when I breastfed her. They agreed to do surgery on her when she pooped out another bead. Sure enough they extracted the third bead from well down her throat in the morning. She has never been any trouble at all since then. (knock on wood)
Here is a quick pic of our youngest at his end of year school play. Isn't he an adorable trickster coyote with his fake fur hood and tail? This boy was very specific in his requests when I was making the costume - his tail had be able to be jiggled and his ears had to be at a "mischievous angle". He remembered all his lines, delivered them with lots of humour and loudly - very important in a school auditorium. We are so pleased with him

Lovely Peonies at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton Ontario.

Our son was very excited to find a baby bunny in the boxwood maze, especially when some of us thought he was pulling our leg or imagined it but when I looked under the hedge the bunny jumped up on the hedge then over the hedge and under another hedge startling us all - reminding me I want to make a baby quilt with some bunny and cabbage fabrics . Then we found lovely swans - a very nice day all around.

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