Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pat's Quilt

This quilt represents joy rediscovered. I found myself in Quilter's Garden in 2000 not having sewn for years, touching the fabric and loving the colours and wanting so much to make a quilt for the baby growing in me. I signed up for a course to make a quilt with wacky hearts and found this teddy bear fabric with a different bear for our five kids and baby to be. AND I FINISHED THE QUILT!!! I loved making it - now my technique leaves lots of room for improvement but it re-introduced me to making things from fabric. Since then I have gone a bit crazy buying fabric and have way too many projects in my mind and on the go and I need to work on the FINISHING PART but I love it. And I especially love that Pat loves his quilt. It feels like I am hugging him whenever I see him wrapped in it.

1 comment:

Junie Moon said...

What a sweet story! That quilt is precious indeed and I know exactly what you mean about it being a hug.